Readings, Flower Essences & Retreats

The magic that is nature

Welcome.  If you are reading this then you are meant to be here.  This is a place of magic....a place to play with the Fae.....upon my shelf I spy some beautiful flower essences and vibrational essences....pure magic......what else do I spy? My home made beauty products, made up to order for you.  They contain, pure organic and natural based ingredients with beautiful essential oils, essences and magical healing energies.  There are magical co creations with the Angels and the Fae, the Mermaids, the Unicorns and the Dryads and....all of the beautiful Nature beings and sometimes the Ascended Masters and Galactics visit with their loving energies too.  They are waiting for you too, they have secrets and healing for you. Will you take a peep and come and play with the Fae and the Woodland Folk..........and trust in me as your Guide, Cheryl, Elemental Medium and Fae Reader and co-creator of beautiful beautifying and therapeutic products and meditations and workshops ......qualified teacher and beautician and Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner.....they're waiting and we better hurry....are you ready to enter the world of magic?

Flower Essence Consultations

Flower Essences are very gentle but powerful healers and work on our emotions to heal us. I have seen major shifts in thought patterns, emotional responses and spiritual epiphanies from using these myself and to treat others. They truly are magical. They can be taken internally and also applied direct to the body either on acupuncture points or within creams, lotions and bath oils.

Readings with the Fae, Mermaids & Unicornsβ„’

I use the appropriate card deck and I also connect you to any Fae, Mermaid or Unicorn guides that step forward to guide you in matters of the heart, finances, goals and for your highest and best. All are delivered with the highest intention and are heart led and positive.

Crystal Healing Grids

Let me set up a crystal grid for you according to your goals. We will have an in depth consultation to ascertain your goals or healing goals and we will set up a crystal grid to help you manifest or heal. These are beautiful and powerful. These may be conducted online.

Flower Readingsβ„’

I am so excited to bring this aspect of my work to you now. I believe that this is much needed in these times. I connect into the ether to see which plant/s would like to work with you for your Highest and Best and we will journey with them to then attune you to it's/their healing properties. This is very sacred and special work and will be an attunement that is with you for lifetimes.

Aromatherapy & or Flower Essence Bespoke Beauty Products

I use my knowledge as an Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner and Katseye Aromatherapy Consultant as well as my clairvoyant and healer skills to blend totally bespoked beauty products. These are totally holistic and therapeutic in nature. I prefer to do a consultation in order to consider all of your mental, physical and emotional history first before blending for you. They contain essential oils, flower and vibrational essences and these are totally magic! Amongst other things they can be made into therapeutic face and body creams and lotions, bath salts, bath oils, rollerballs, shampoos etc. Please contact me for a bespoke product, they are very powerful especially my famous aftersun cream!

Unicorn Soul Light Sessions β„’

This is a heart based energy system, channeled from the celestial realms that helps awaken your soul's gifts and purpose, while providing deep healing and clarity on all levels as you lie back and relax. Let me connect you with the Unicorn Kingdom and bring through the loving Unicorns to help you heal and relax and to receive guidance in areas that are highlighted. You may connect with your Unicorn Guide or perhaps the Fae. Either way, I have a very strong connection as a Medium and Psychic to the Unicorn and elemental kingdoms and it is my joy to bring these through to heal and guide you.

  •  13/12/2024 05:00 PM - 14/04/2024 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

This workshop imparts the unique system of healing that is Angelic Reiki and is taught over two and a half days. Students are attuned to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki and a number of treatment methods are taught. The student gains β€˜hands on’ experience in the healing methodology and learns how to attune healing tools. The attunements – which connect students with Healing Angels who will then work with each individual on a permanent basis – incorporate Reiki symbols attuned through the Angelic vibration. These symbols were given to humanity by St Germain at the time of Atlantis.

  •  28/02/2025 10:00 AM - 02/03/2025 04:00 PM
  •   21 Pinewood Way

Angelic Reiki Master Level Workshop: This workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 certificate and who are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki. This workshop is taught over three full days and is a powerful experience which lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension. It awakens the Divine within and participants receive a wave of love emanating from the Heart of the Galaxy. It places students in their own spiritual power and knowledge of themselves as the Ascended Masters they truly are.

  •  02/10/2024 07:24 PM
  • Online Event

Celebrate at the New Moon in Libra partial eclipse online. These circles are those who wish to grow and share in a heart centred space with other women. It's for those women who wish to grow and work upon themselves in a space of trust, integrity, honesty and deep respect. We will be working with the Egyptian Goddess Ma'at. Booking and reservation of your ticket 48 hours in advance is crucial. I am so excited to launch!

  •  09/08/2024 08:52 AM - 11/08/2024 08:52 AM

This workshop is for everybody who truly wants to understand the nature of Angelic Reiki and the gift that is the Archangel Metatron. This is a new body of work which reveals the in-depth spiritual principles that underpin the power of that which we call The Archangel Metatron. This is a divine invitation to Discover the principles of The Angelic Kingdom of Light, the sacred esoteric wisdom in which Angelic Reiki is based upon as well and developing new healing methods, tools and understating of your work with the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This is an opportunity to experience a profound development of your work as healers and teachers enabling you to practice and teach from a place of powerful authenticity. Included in the workshop: Opening a Workshop & Clearing the space Michael Karma Cutting Meditation & Clearing Healing Methods to develop Angelic Reiki further Etheric Body Healing & Spherical Healing A new healing method- Cleansing All The Chakras The role of the healer for Angelic Reiki In Death And Dying The Four Elements Ascension Changes- working with the changes Enhancing your Healing Sessions with becoming a clear channel to the divine Sacred Geometry and Platonic Solids for Healing & Personal Mastery- Healing methods The Platonic Solids of Metatron The Spiritual Hierarchy of The Angelic Kingdom Archangels & Ascended Masters- Detailed Guidance Ritual and Knowledge Esoteric wisdom in the knowledge of Master Crystals ,Rods Of Power, Rules And Laws Of Healing, Golden Pyramid of Light, The Ascension Flame & Description of the Seven Rays. Metatron- detailed information: A powerful new angelic attunement to the Merkabah Ascension Activation Crystal Layout Healing Method & More This workshop is a gift, a promise of developing and ascending your sacred knowledge of healing, teaching and understanding of Angelic Reiki to a new level.

  •  14/07/2024 10:00 AM - 14/07/2024 05:00 PM
  •   21 Pinewood Way, Saint Leonards-on-sea, UK

Moon Magic Workshop! Here it is! Many of my clients have been asking me for this workshop for some time now and it is finally created! I can't wait to share with you my workshop on how to create and work with the Divine Feminine flow of the Moon. There is so much to share with you!

  •  29/06/2024 10:00 AM - 29/06/2024 04:00 PM
  •   St Leonards on Sea

Make Your Very own Flower Essence Combination Bottle In this workshop you will: Β· Learn the history of flower essences. Β· Learn how they’ve been used for thousands of years to treat emotional and spiritual ailments. Β· Learn how they work. Β· You will make and take away a specially chosen combination of flower essence specifically chosen by you for your intention as part of this workshop. I am a qualified teacher (BA Hons PGCE Level 7) and an Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner. I both use flower essence ranges for clients and I make my own essences. I have been using flower essences since 1997. Now is a time in history when flower essences are very much needed and their wisdom is starting to make itself known. Wouldn’t you love to have the magic of a flower bottled so that you can use its healing qualities. Flowers are plentiful and many grow in the wild for free so understanding how to harness their healing properties in this way is a sound investment! Flower essences are very safe and can be used on babies and in conjunction with other therapies or medication. This workshop teaches you the basics of what you need to know to do so. It is also a pre-requisite for a range of courses on flower essences that I am bringing out in the future. All materials to make and take away a flower essence on the day are included in the cost of the workshop (Β£65), including the flowers (unless you would like to bring your own). To reserve your space (these are limited) a Β£30 deposit Please call 07949387397 or email to book and I will also be happy to answer any enquiries that you may have.

  •  23/06/2024 07:00 PM - 23/06/2024 09:00 PM

Come and release with the Full Moon in Capricorn. Your unique chance to utilize these energies to release blockages, resentments and everything bad for you! Do this in sacred circle with heart opening Cacao and a powerful meditation with essences and Goddesses. If the weather permits we can gather round my firepit too xx

  •  19/06/2024 07:30 PM - 19/06/2024 09:00 PM
  • Online Event

Do you feel you need a salve of high vibrational positive energies? Let's be honest; who doesn't in the current climate! You do not need to be attuned to Angelic Reiki in order to participate in this online share. We will begin with a beautiful meditation with an Archangel, Galactic or Ascended Master and from there everyone will give and receive Angelic Reiki healing using the third eye method of healing. This is an excellent chance to give and receive healing and for practitioners to practice. whilst receiving an Angelic boost too. I look forward to welcoming you.

  •  10/06/2024 07:30 PM - 27/05/2024 09:30 PM

Join us for the Grand Finale as we celebrate all of what we have achieved with all six Goddesses honouring them and ourselves. I will be assisting integration of all that has occurred during your special journey into your shadow so that you may bust forward into Spring!

  •  06/06/2024 07:00 PM - 06/06/2024 09:00 PM
  • Online Event

Join us as we celebrate the start of a New Moonth in the Sign of Gemini. Learn about the special energies of this Moonth to work with and the Goddess that we will be journeying with as well as the Goddess: Butterfly Maiden. Learn about the crystal and herb correspondences too.

  •  03/06/2024 07:00 PM - 03/06/2024 09:00 PM
  •   Pinewood Way, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN38 9RR, UK

This is a beautiful new healing Circle that the Female Archangels have asked me to bring forward for 2024. The Female Archangels are here for humanity as we transition into the new Golden Age. They are here, amongst other things in order to aid the balance of energies at this time. They have asked me to create a Circle of Light (their name) in order to bring each Archeia forward and share their beautiful energies, wisdom and healing. You will learn about the Archeia and how you may work with them. You will imbibe their channeled essence. You will receive a channeled message of love from the Archeiai You will receive direct healing from them This is a chance to gather in Circle and meet those of similar ilk in a place of Divine Unconditional love. We continue our Circle of Light by meeting beautiful Archeia Hope, Twin Flame of Archangel Gabriel and we will be working on healing our Sacral Chakra amongst other things! This will be hosted by Cheryl, Angel Medium, Channel and Advanced Essence Practitioner who has been working with these beautiful beings for many years.

  •  23/05/2024 07:00 PM - 23/05/2024 09:00 PM
  •   21 Pinewood Way

Come together with other like-minded women at each full and new moon as we join in a nurturing environment to share our hopes, dreams, fears and whatever we need to express in a non-judgmental arena. New for 2024 you may purchase my channeled Goddess of the Moon Essences for the Goddess that we are journeying with in advance for HALF PRICE but these must be ordered a minimum of 48 hours in advance.

  •  06/05/2024 07:30 PM - 06/05/2024 09:30 PM
  •   Pinewood Way, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN38 9RR, UK

Traditionally at this time of year, at Samhain or Halloween the Celts would turn inwards and start to look at what was inside of them in order to heal and integrate it so that when Beltane came they could start to manifest more clearly their hopes and desires. We will journey into our inner world and psyche with the help of six Dark Goddesses in order that when we emerge from our period of inner contemplation we are transformed for the better. The journey for the month includes a two hour workshop with myself to introduce and journey with the Goddess and you will be given a manual and a channeled essence from the Goddess herself. These are extremely powerful and help you work with the Goddess in whichever way she chooses to work with you for your Highest Good. You will have the support of myself and the lovely Caroline Mouran; A BACP qualified Counsellor. You will be part of a Whatsapp group where you may share and seek support for your journey.

  •  05/05/2024 09:00 AM - 30/04/2025 09:00 AM
  •   St Leonards on Sea

Become a Flower Essence Advanced Practitioner! If you are interested in flowers and Nature then this is the course for you! Learn to make your own flower essences and to give detailed consultations with clients in order to effect massive emotional shifts. Journey each Turn of the Wheel during the Celtic Season with a new essence at Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox with the energies of the natural year so that you become at one with Nature.

  •  24/04/2024 07:00 PM - 24/04/2024 09:00 PM
  •   21 Pinewood Way

Come together with other like-minded women at each full and new moon as we join in a nurturing environment to share our hopes, dreams, fears and whatever we need to express in a non-judgmental arena. New for 2024 you may purchase my channeled Goddess of the Moon Essences for the Goddess that we are journeying with in advance for HALF PRICE but these must be ordered a minimum of 48 hours in advance.

  •  08/04/2024 07:00 PM - 08/04/2024 09:00 PM
  •   St Leonards on Sea

Come together with other like-minded women at each full and new moon as we join in a nurturing environment to share our hopes, dreams, fears and whatever we need to express in a non-judgmental arena. Moon Dates for 2024: January 11th New Moon in Capricorn, 25th Full Moon in Leo February 9th New Moon in Aquarius, 24th Full Moon in Virgo March 10th New Moon in Pisces, 25th Full Moon in Libra Lunar Eclipse 8th April New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse, 24th April Full Moon in Scorpio May 8th New Moon in Taurus, 23rd Full Moon in Sagittarius June 6th New Moon in Gemini, 22nd Full Moon in Capricorn July 5th New Moon in Cancer, 21st Full Moon in Capricorn August 4th New Moon in Leo & 19th Full Moon in Aquarius September 3rd New Moon in Virgo, 18th Full Moon in Pisces October 2nd New Moon in Libra, 17th Full Moon in Aries November 1st New Moon in Scorpio, 15th Full Moon in Taurus December 1st New Moon in Sagittarius, 15th Full Moon in Gemini & New Moon in Capricorn 30th December Date:

  •  24/03/2024 10:00 AM - 24/03/2024 04:00 PM
  •   TBA

Let's celebrate together the awakening of the Earth and the Springing of the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere. We will honour the Equinox by bringing balance back into all of our bodies, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. We will do this with a mixture of essence imbibing and Theta healing and downloads and by connecting with the awakening Nature all around us. We will journey with seasonal flowers and trees and we will align with these. We will journey out in the ancient woodland nearby and we will connect with the Dragons and the leylines. We will connect with the Goddesses and deities of this celebrations and learn the history and traditions. There will be options to make traditional crafts should you so wish. This will be a joy-filled celebration.

  •  24/02/2024 07:00 PM - 24/02/2024 09:00 PM
  •   Pinewood Way, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN38 9RR, UK

Come together with other like-minded women at each full and new moon as we join in a nurturing environment to share our hopes, dreams, fears and whatever we need to express in a non-judgmental arena. New for 2024 you may purchase my channeled Goddess of the Moon Essences for the Goddess that we are journeying with in advance for HALF PRICE but these must be ordered a minimum of 48 hours in advance.

  •  09/02/2024 07:00 PM - 09/02/2024 09:00 PM
  •   Online

Come together with other like-minded women at each full and new moon as we join in a nurturing environment to share our hopes, dreams, fears and whatever we need to express in a non-judgmental arena. Moon Dates for 2024: January 11th New Moon in Capricorn, 25th Full Moon in Leo February 9th New Moon in Aquarius, 24th Full Moon in Virgo March 10th New Moon in Pisces, 25th Full Moon in Libra Lunar Eclipse April New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse, 24th April Full Moon in Scorpio May 8th New Moon in Taurus, 23rd Full Moon in Sagittarius June 6th New Moon in Gemini, 22nd Full Moon in Capricorn July 5th New Moon in Cancer, 21st Full Moon in Capricorn August 4th New Moon in Leo & 19th Full Moon in Aquarius September 3rd New Moon in Virgo, 18th Full Moon in Pisces October 2nd New Moon in Libra, 17th Full Moon in Aries November 1st New Moon in Scorpio, 15th Full Moon in Taurus December 1st New Moon in Sagittarius, 15th Full Moon in Gemini & New Moon in Capricorn 30th December Date:

  •  04/02/2024 10:00 AM - 04/02/2024 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

This is the first of a series of Fae and Divine Feminine day and weekend retreats that Away with the Fae is running. These will begin with Imbolc and complete with Winter Solstice. Nature Priestess, Elemental Medium and Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner Cheryl leads you on a magical journey to honour the quickenings of Nature at Imbolc. We will spend a sacred day in meditations, attunements to seasonal flowers, crystals and planting our seeds of intentions. We will receive Theta clearings, downloads also in order to clear our Earth star chakra in order to ensure we start the year grounded and rooted in to nature in order that we can truly go and create our dreams and visions with the Elementals, Brigid & the Maiden Goddess. There will be beautiful crafting as well as candlelit tales of Brigid and Nature connections for this time of year. This is a fun packed day that will truly honour this season and our visions for the future. This is an event not to be missed and is for anyone who loves magic, nature, ceremony, the old ways and who would like to receive sacred attunements to the seasonally linked crystals, Goddesses and flowers and learn about the ways of working with this sacred ceremony. A full itinerary is available on request. I am so excited to present this day and all the magic it contains! The energy exchange for this exquisite day's workshop is Β£75 which includes all craft materials.

  •  17/12/2023 10:00 AM - 17/12/2023 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

Come and celebrate the Celtic Wheel celebration of Yule at Winter Solstice. This is a celebration of the Light and the return of such as the Sun King is reborn. Learn more about this and how and why Yule was celebrated. It is a beautiful time to honour ourselves and bring something that has been in the dark out into the light for healing. I will lead you in a true celebration of this time. We will journey with essences and connect with the Goddesses and Deities associated with this time of year. You will also receive a special attunement to Holly which is connected to the Feminine, this is not offered at all of my events but as this Solstice falls on my Birthday I am offering this as a complimentary extra. We will be journeying with the Pine tree in the ancient woodland nearby. We will of course imbibe my potent flower essences and journey with these and there will be stories and dancing around the firepit with the traditional Yule log, weather permitting. We will also attempt some wreath making - this will be optional and at additional charge.

  •  10/12/2023 07:00 PM - 10/12/2023 09:00 PM
  • Online Event

Come with me on a beautiful guided meditation to meet with the Ivy and Holly Deva's. These are both very sacred plants and I will take you on a magical meditation to meet them. You will receive some very special gifts from these beautiful beings as we meet with them at this sacred time of year.

  •  29/10/2023 10:00 AM - 29/10/2023 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

Come and celebrate Samhain traditionally, whilst benefitting from powerful meditation journeys and quantum field intention setting for the next Celtic New Year and so much more! Come and celebrate the end of the Celtic Year and thus, the beginning of another year. This is a time when our ancestors knew it was time to turn inwards as with Nature. As part of my recent essence making for Lisa Magdalena Bardell, this will feature my Healing the Witch Wound essence in honour of all those beautiful healer souls who were tortured by the Church. This essence will help heal those scars that many of us, men and women, carry over from these times. You will benefit from Theta healings and downloads as well to enable that healing. Many of us require this right now to heal the wounds of betrayals that occurred during the Witch Hunts. There will also be much time for reflection, relaxation and inward journeying, just as our ancestors did. We will gather around the firepit (weather permitting) where we will learn of the Goddesses and Deities associated with this time of year and we will travel into the nearby ancient woodland to commune with Nature. The veils are thin at this time and we will do card readings and commune with the Fae. We will also be connecting with the Dragon Lines or Ley lines and healing these. You will learn of ancient traditions associated with this turn of the wheel and of course learn of the associated plants and herbs. We will be journeying deep into our womb space to see what it is that we are percolating for creation. We will be making our own Besom Brooms and so much more. Please book early avoid disappointment!

  •  23/09/2023 10:00 AM - 23/09/2023 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

This is both chance to come and learn about the Nature, traditions, Deities associated with this time a year as it is to de-tox and realign. At this turn of the wheel that is what is traditionally done. We now move to introspection and balance. I will be leading you on powerful Theta healing and balancing journeys where we will bring all of our etheric bodies into alignment and balance. We will be imbibing cacao as we look at releasing emotional toxins from our body. We will imbibe flower essences and work with crystals for balance too, balancing our energetic and masculine and feminine energies and so much more.

  •  24/06/2023 10:00 PM - 25/06/2023 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

Come and play with the Fae at our Three Wishes special Summer Solstice retreat day! This is a chance to connect both with yourself and with Nature at a time of the year where traditionally although it is longest day we start to turn inward again. We will be honouring the ancient traditions, imbibing essences, feasting on traditional fayre. Dancing, crafting, journalling and lots of special connections with the Elemental Folk. Full itinirary on request.

  • £15
  •  24/05/2023 07:30 PM
  • Online Event

Let's journey together as I channel Goddess energy and their wisdom and gifts each month. We will learn about each Goddess and how they enable us to evolve in our lives. Many eons ago we were said to have walked the Earth with Goddesses. It is time to bring our vibration towards theirs in order that this might be feasible for our daughters and granddaughters and great grand daughters again. It is the time of the Divine Feminine and the Goddess and most importantly the Divine Goddess inside of all of us.

  • £22
  •  22/05/2023 07:30 PM - 22/05/2023 09:30 PM
  • Online Event

Nature is so powerful and here to help us humans but the sad thing is that most people have totally disconnected with Mother Nature. In this series it is part of my mission to help you reconnect with Nature and this is via a series of meditations and healings with selected seasonal flowers and trees. Which flowers we will connect with will be chosen by the Nature kingdom. This is a new series in which I will take you on a guided meditation to meet the essence of each flower or plant/tree essence Many Moons ago this would have been a natural part of life gifted by the village elder or shaman. It is my belief that I have fulfilled this role in many previous lives and I now offer this connection for you once again. I will enable a guided journey or meditation with each chosen flora and reveal their properties and gifts whilst sharing these with you and a healing too. It is time to reconnect ourselves with the wisdom of Nature. Are you ready to meet her?

  •  14/05/2023 11:23 PM
  •   St Leonards on Sea

We will explore who the Fae are and take part in a beautiful meditation to connect with the Fairies. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and to receive beautiful fairy energy and the granting of a wish. Cheryl, Elemental Priestess and Medium will be your initiator into the realm of the Fae.

  •  07/04/2023 05:00 PM - 07/04/2023 07:00 PM
  • Online Event

Let's release and let go of all that no longer serves us under the Libra Full Moon. Women are so powerful when they come together and create. Thus far this has been an incredible journey but you can join us at any time as we share, laugh, cry and are supportive of each other where we currently are in our lives in a non-judgemental space. We visualise our wishes in the Seventh Plane and receive Theta clearings and downloads tailored to all present by intuitive and channel Cheryl. Are you ready to join us?

  •  05/02/2023 04:00 PM - 05/02/2023 10:00 PM
  • Online Event

This is the first of a series of Fae and Divine Feminine day and weekend retreats that Away with the Fae is running. These will begin with Imbolc and complete with Winter Solstice. Nature Priestess, Elemental Medium and Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner Cheryl leads you on a magical journey to honour the quickenings of Nature at Imbolc. We will spend a sacred day in meditations, attunements to seasonal flowers, crystals and planting our seeds of intentions. We will receive Theta clearings, downloads also in order to clear our Earth star chakra in order to ensure we start the year grounded and rooted in to nature in order that we can truly go and create our dreams and visions with the Elementals, Brigid & the Maiden Goddess. There will be beautiful crafting as well as candlelit tales of Brigid and Nature connections for this time of year. This is a fun packed day that will truly honour this season and our visions for the future. This is an event not to be missed and is for anyone who loves magic, nature, ceremony, the old ways and who would like to receive sacred attunements to the seasonally linked crystals, Goddesses and flowers and learn about the ways of working with this sacred ceremony. A full itinerary is available on request. I am so excited to present this day and all the magic it contains! The energy exchange for this exquisite day's workshop is Β£65.

  • £45
  •  14/01/2023 10:00 AM - 14/01/2023 02:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

Come and learn about the crystals that link us to the Angelic Realms. Learn about their properties and associations. Be taken on some beautiful guided meditations to link to some of the Angelic crystals and benefit from the healing offered within this journey. You will receive a workbook with information on all crystals studied as part of this event.

Bring a sense of natural balance to mind, body and soul as you attune to Nature through the Celtic Wheel of the Year. Our Western World can be so frenetic, reprogram yourself to work with the rhythm of Nature by working with the Moon, Flowers, Seasons, Crystals, Goddesses and ancient traditions. Each month you will learn what natural energies to work with and will be led on a magical journey with monthly guided meditations and attunements to the flower and crystal of the month and a monthly module to study and learn from. At the end of the twelve month journey you will feel more connected to Nature, embodying the qualities of the twelve crystals, flowers and goddesses that you have met during your journey.

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  • Saint Leonards-on-sea, UK
  • TN38 9RR