This amazing essence was made when it appeared at a friend's entranceway; out of the blue synchronistically, when I was looking to make an essence to heal the Witch Wound. I know this essence will form part of a combination of powerful flower essences that will heal all aspects of this deep gash for many healers and psychics but for now it is giving it's powerful contribution, solo. Many of us have had lifetimes where we have been betrayed by those closest to us for speaking only the Truth. I know I have had many lifetimes where I was a High Priestess, Wise Woman, Shaman, Cathar and was burned, drowned, tortured, hung etc for my beliefs and practices that were only to help others. These powers were not approved of by the Church and they and others in authority were fearful of people like healers and psychics and their abilities as they threatened their power. Many of us have fears that have carried over from these lifetimes where we were persecuted for trying to help others and spread Truth. These carry over into subsequent lifetimes as fear of being seen, heard, speaking our Truth, healing others, or trusting others especially other women who often turned on each other to survive. For me this manifested as not being able to speak in public for my early years despite being a natural extrovert and speaker. The Golden Age is coming where we can heal this and heal this in our lineage. This essence was of course made using the non-cut method. It works directly upon the mouth and throat area and pulls out old hexes and curses from here. It frees the mouth and throat area to be razor clear about what it is that wants and need to be said: unclogging the throat chakra DEEPLY. It helps you to be heard and seen and after journeying with this powerful essence with my Moon Circle I also found that it unblocks the third eye trauma from this chakra too. An amazingly powerful healer. I love this essence in particular!

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