We do well to listen to Nature's Wisdom. There was a plethora of birdsong as I channelled this essence and an itching in my left ear that spoke of connecting and listening to Nature. Receiving that Mother Earth wisdom for Blodeuwydd is the daughter of Mother Earth even though she was made by a man. She is of Mother Earth. Blodeuwydd is a Welsh Goddess and her name means "Flower Face". I thought this very beautiful and apt for making this essence around the Beltane energies as she called to me to do. Blodeuwydd essence: She teaches of joy, abundance, prosperity of literally blooming and thriving in all areas of life: of fertility sacred union and power through bowing to Nature. She helps you step into your own magnificance and shine your light; your inner light outwards. She is of love of the elixir of life; of celebration. She helps you connect to all that lights you up and illuminates your own radiance. She maximises joy, fertility, attraction of a lover, happiness and evokes feelings of joy and a Summers' Day blooming. I see tulips when I look at her clairvoyantly; pink soft tulips and she is the personification of the power of Nature; the power of your nature to bloom, shine, radiate no matter what.

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