Goddess Aphrodite, also known as Lady Venus is widely held as the Goddess of Love who came out of the Ocean. She came to me with aquamarine, pink "foamy" energy! I was channeling her at the Dark Moon of Aquarius on the cusp of the New Moon in Pisces. I asked her what distinguished her from the other Water Goddess, Vivianne that I was channeling that day too and she told me that she is all to do with the communication of Love. I don't always impart on here everything that the Goddess channels to me but she also told me that she is from a family of Star Beings that have given birth to human beings from the Sea. Their aim is to bring love, teach about love and bring loving communication to all humans via their children.

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Taking the Goddess Aphrodite essence will help with:

  • Loving communication with others.
  • Supports both brotherly (fraternal) & romantic love.
  • It is a healer of the heart and heals old wounds here from this lifetime and past lifetimes.
  • Supports loving relationships and encourages these.
  • Spreads love and joy so you become a magnet for these energies when taking this essence.
  • Helps to forgive others.
  • Helps expand our heart chakra and our ability to feel love and compassion, raising our vibration.
  • This is so important for the Human Race now.